It’s not about me, it never was.
I’m not the something “wonderful and amazing” you’re being woken up to, you are, your life is.
Your senses are being opened so the tips of your antenna tremble and tingle, alive and awake to experience. It’s no coincidence that the same poems, the same music, the same expressions are being repeated in all areas of your life.
I’m not sharing my music, my poetry, I’m sharing bits and pieces tripped over, moving me to share them with you – it’s always specific to you. For you to listen, for you to pay attention, for you to get it, repetition is important.
The senses of our physical body dominate our experience, this is all part of the joy ride we signed up for, the wonder of the physical, the fullness of the human experience – joy, pain, excitement, tingling, searing, heat, bursting, yearning. These sensations, these emotions, can serve as reminders, constant darts bringing us back to present awareness.
Experiencing this journey through the body we so easily interpret and ache from the plane of the physical, not from the seat of our soul.
Truth becomes obscured, clouded by the waves of emotion in which we immerse ourselves, tumbled and thrown into the reef, battered and bloody, never experiencing the thrill, the beauty, the peace, the knowing that comes with riding the wave, using it as passport to expanded vision and further movement within.
The water is seductive, immediately and easily experienced by throwing ourselves in – the power is in the discipline to time our strokes, stand in perfect timing, trusting the moment and being lifted, carried by the Mother – sweet, beautiful, roaring, powerful Mother.
The beauty and the intensity of the wave can be overwhelming, causing us to freeze, dive or drown. With a small shift we can feel the ebb and flow, heed the call, embraced by the moment, becoming one with the rhythms of life, increasing our own expansiveness.
We planned this moment in time ages ago – this bumping into each other in the physical realm.
As I am serving you, you are serving me.
We are both in the midst of a powerful shift in our lives, one of the most important for each of us.
You were right all along, this is transcendent.
This is important.
There is work to be done.
Thank you for showing up, for honoring our agreement.
It’s nice to see you again.